Tuesday, June 9, 2009


Happy summer to those of you in the northern hemisphere! To my fellow southern hemisphere-ers, welcome to winter! It has been getting cold in Grahamstown lately, sometimes so cold that I wish I had a hat (and some more sweaters) but sometimes I have my window open (like now, for instance). Today was a beautiful "winter" day, reminiscent of an early spring day in the northeast - sunny and beautiful, but a little chilly when the wind blows.

With winter always comes the flu, unfortunately, and I have already paid my dues... twice. Last weekend I had a bad cold/flu, and then this past weekend I came down with a stomach bug. Yay for a little taste of South African medicine...! Today I feel MUCH better - maybe even ALL better by tomorrow! yay!

Last weekend I went to the Mariya uMama weThemba Anglican Monastery and spent a night there with two dear friends, Cortney and Liz. It was a really refreshing weekend both spiritually and physically after finishing up term and moving into the exam time (and the last phase of my semester here). We concluded the weekend with an amazing girls' night at Cortney's house (where I have dinner every Thursday night) with our friend Sarah. (Sarah is a close friend from my res, and she is going on exchange to Bellarmine University in Lousiville, Kentucky next semester! So we have bonded over that American connection :) !! ) We made peach cobbler, chocolate cake, and gluwein, and watched way too many episodes of 30 Rock. Gluwein (pronounced glue-vine) is hot spiced red wine. The way you make it is like hot spiced apple cider - you just let it simmer for HOURS...and the kitchen smells amazing :) I will definitely be bringing this tradition back home and to BC!

Last week was swot week, a week dedicated on the Rhodes academic calendar solely to STUDYING. If you know me and my academic tendencies, I am very deadline oriented, and can't really study for anything more than 2 days in advance (unless it is like a HUGE test like the SATs or NCLEX or something). So I found myself frolicking around Grahamstown, discovering two different museums, becoming a regular at local coffee shops, and just hanging out with friends. I also finally extended my visa in Port Elizabeth so I can stay (legally) for the ARTS FESTIVAL in July.

I had a weird realization today, that I will be in New Hampshire in four weeks exactly. On July 7. That time is going to fly. Between now and then, I will be taking my last two exams, spending five days at Bulungula Lodge on the Wild Coast (an eco-tourism sustainable lodge - check out the link, it looks beautiful! I can't wait!), spending a week in Johannesburg with three of my closest friends from South Africa, and then spending a week hopping around the festival, and seeing as many shows/exhibitions as possible (it will basically be sensory overload and overall speechlessness for 4 days straight).

I hope I haven't bored you with my ramblings.

Much much love from SAFRICA,


  1. I am so season-confused, I keep expecting Thanksgiving to happen. Ew. Have a good last four weeks!!!!!!

    Love, ME

  2. p.s. That looks like the coolest place ever.


    love you, adventure girl.

  4. ps i sent you something a little ago. i hope this gets there!!

  5. YOU HAVE SUCH A COOL LIFE! I wish I could be there with you.

    The eco lodge sounds amazing, and the j-burg trip, and the ART festival!

    I'll be waiting for you in sweet New Hampshire and counting down the days.

