Tuesday, June 23, 2009

Wrapping up.

I am finished with exams, and leaving Grahamstown tomorrow. I will be back in a week for the Arts Festival, but it will be VERY different because most of my Rhodes friends (with the exception of a few other exchange students) will be gone. Tonight is my last night in Dingemans (my res)! Tomorrow I leave for Johnannesburg and will be staying for one week with a few friends. I’m currently avoiding the project of packing up my room. I don’t like packing, and goodbyes are even worse. I am definitely REALLY excited to see my family and thrilled to be working at camp, but I also really don’t want to leave.

I just got back on Saturday evening from an amazing trip to the Wild Coast to the Bulungula Lodge. It is an eco-friendly backpackers run mainly by locals in the MIDDLE OF NOWHERE. I felt like I was on the end of the world. I took approximately 250 pictures and I would love to show you some, but this site isn't letting me upload pictures at the moment. Don't worry, I will post more soon, but I might not for a few weeks.

Since I will be moving out of res, I won't have the regular access to internet that I normally have. I will definitely make a point to check email when I can. Hopefully I will be able to post once or twice more before I leave SA.

My prayers are with those of you preparing for the summer at camp!

Much love,


  1. Lin! I can't believe the semester is over!!! I hope your last few days are memorable, and I can't wait to catch up with you more when you get home in August. Best of luck at camp and safe travels!

    Love you!


  2. LOVE YOU and hope you are having a wonderful end of your time in SA!!!!!!!!

  3. Can't wait to see you next week in New Hampshire!!!! It's cold and rainy here now, but I'm sure the sun will come out when YOU arrive.

    Enjoy the arts festival!

    Love you,
